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September 06, 2024

Dear Dr. Bret Weinstein,
Two things:
1. Disproving the Multiverse theory.
2. Why so many scientists give it any credit at all.
1. Next time you are on Joe Rogan, here’s what you say to disprove the Multiverse theory:
Say: “I’m going to disprove the Multiverse theory.” Then point out that, instead of saying that sentence, you could have said: “I am now going to absolutely disprove that stupid Multiverse theory.” So, there needs to be a whole other universe created in which you actually say that. Then point out that there also needs to be whole universes created for all of the other things you could have done instead of saying that first sentence, such as:
Saying: “Your mother wears army boots.”
Saying: “I wish I could fly.”
Jumping out of your chair, waiving your arms around and whooping like a gibbon.
Taking all of your clothes off and saying: “Come on baby, lets do it right now on camera!”
Standing on one foot and saying: “Magnifying glass truck Spanish roof lawn ego sponge elixir fantastic origami computer bees.”
And on and on and on. The possibilities are endless, and you would need a complete new universe for every possible action you could have taken instead of saying “I’m going to disprove the Multiverse theory.”
What becomes clear is that you said “I’m going to disprove the Multiverse theory” for a reason. You had an intention to accomplish something and you decided that saying “I’m going to disprove the Multiverse theory” was a rational first step in accomplishing your goal. Just as when you want to go to the bank, you get into your car and start the engine, instead of standing on one foot and saying: “Magnifying glass truck Spanish roof lawn ego sponge elixir fantastic origami computer bees.” Your intention to go to the bank causes the effect of appropriate actions to accomplish your goal. The Multiverse theory replaces cause and effect with “whatever is possible”. All you have to do is look around to see that reality doesn’t operate on the principle of “Whatever is possible is just as likely to happen as anything else that is possible.” You don’t see people just randomly doing things just because it’s possible that they could do those things. What you see is cause and effect. Well, they may say, it’s not ANY possible action that creates a new universe, just ones that are reasonable. Obviously not. Even though cause and effect are the norm, I could spend hours documenting all of the unreasonable things that humans have decided to do. What’s more, if you have any subjective standard at all to moderate the “whatever is possible” principle, then you would need someone who would be applying that subjective standard to each and every possibility. Who would do that? God?
2. The reason that so many scientists give credit to the Multiverse theory is because science is uncovering more and more evidence of the intelligent design of our universe. They themselves have admitted that the Multiverse theory is an alternate explanation to how our universe could be so precisely created and so finely tuned in order to not only exist, but to exist in a way that supports life. When the probability of that happening by accident became astronomical, they came up with the Multiverse theory in order to say that every possible configuration of a universe is constantly being created, so that it now becomes likely that one of those infinite universes will have just the right properties for us to exist, and we just happen to be in that one. In other words, these are die-hard, fanatical atheists who will try to believe the impossible rather than acknowledge the simple and plain fact the science is showing that the only rational way to explain the properties of our Universe is intelligent design. If you didn’t know that’s why they came up with that theory, look it up.
Let me know when you’re going to be back on Rogan’s show.
By the way, I signed up on Locals just to give you this message and don’t want to keep paying to stay on. Please reply to my email: [email protected]
Thank You,
Eli Dumitru

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Unsettling Science – Rebutting the Experts

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Find Bret Swanson on X: @JBSay (https://twitter.com/JBSay)
Find Bret Swanson on Substack: http://infonomena.substack.com/

Find Joomi Kim on X: @JoomiKim1 (https://twitter.com/JoomiKim1)
Find Joomi Kim on Substack: https://joomi.substack.com/

PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.


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September 15, 2024

Reversing Covid-Vax Effects?

I came here from the Joe Rogan podcast. Not sure if it is allowed to just ask questions on here but if not, just take this down. I experienced the adverse immune reactions from the vaccine which Dr. Weinstein described, after I was forced to receive the vax.

I’m wondering if there is any way to mitigate or reverse the damage after a single dose of the vaccine has been received? How do we re-regulate the immune system once the spike protein sensitization has occurred?

Is it best to focus on DNA repair/immune system support? Could we potentially one day reverse-engineer gene modifications that undo the ones which were done by the vaccine?

Or is the answer much simpler, is there a way to put the body into an environment where we get the genes to “turn off” whatever immune reaction has been conditioned?

I cannot find any information about this anywhere on google or duckduckgo. There is no information anywhere on what to do if you DID get the vaccine....

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