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September 06, 2024

Hello Bret and Heather. I want to start by thanking you for being there for me when my family needed it about episode 5 and 6. Since then I have been feverishly using my pattern recognition against all the books I've read and podcasts I've listened to. It has let me to some very interesting places trying to figure out what is actually going on. Interestingly enough we have ended up in the same places over the past years. I was VERY surprised when you had Ben from Suspicious Observers on. That is why I am bringing this to you today.
Recently I've been having conversations with UFO whistleblowers on X Spaces and I find some to be very genuine and concerned. One particular whistleblower named Charles learned some very Interesting and disturbing things in 8 classified briefings where he was led to read documents classified at the highest levels. His explanations of things like Eisenhower and the military industrial complex, the Kennedy assassination, Greek myths, Roswell, treaties with extraterrestrial species, abductions, and coming cataclysm including the magnetic pole shift and it's cause.
I feel compelled to say something to you here due to myself and other people having mild shock at how accurately these stories Charles has provided match mine and others' information matrix. For what it's worth, I believe that Charles believes what he has been telling us. He has also been able to easily verify real leaked photos and documents that have escaped the government technological information monopoly by confirming his viewing of the same in his classified briefings.
Charles is trying very hard to get his story out in long form and has been using Twitter for the past few weeks since he went public with some success. The UFO community on X has been having some interpersonal problems recently, and because of this it's reach has been limited. Charles has been confirmed by other whistleblowers as having accurate and usually more complete information than they do, and he has also been confirmed to have his name in the program database by other whistleblowers who still have access to the classified system. At the end of this I will provide links to some of the spaces he was in with timestamps if you have interest in looking into it.
The main concern of Charles is as follows: A treaty that we signed with the ET expires in a month and a half. He states that the military industrial complex(synonymous with MJ-12) has a secret plan the start WW3 and interrupt it with a fake alien invasion using alien reproduction vehicles and programmed life forms. This would take care of the alien disclosure problem and also allow them to consolidate power under a UN one world government against the threat of alien invasion. Charles says the WW3 part can be avoided if we can remove the MJ-12 and replace them with new people.
At very least, how do you deal with the very strange when you're trying to figure out what is going on in this world?
I told Charles I would help him try to get his voice out there more as he says this is a time sensitive problem. I am asking for you to listen to some of what Charles has to say and if you find any of it potentially valuable have a conversation with him. Thank you for you consideration with this strange topic of conversation.

Charles B. McNeal

The document on his website was typed up from memory and in my opinion talking to him directly is the best way to hear what he has to say as this document does not include all details.

Timestamps 14:45

No timestamp necessary

Timestamp 30:03
Timestamp 31:03 (he had to charge his device)

12-hour marathon whistleblower space.

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Moink: Delicious grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and wild caught Alaskan salmon. Visit www.moinkbox.com/darkhorse to get a year’s worth of bacon free when you sign up.

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Buy the Moth in the Iron Lung: https://a.co/d/dvYehmh
Follow Forest on X: https://x.com/forrestmaready

Join DarkHorse on Locals! Get access to our Discord server, exclusive live streams, live chats for all streams, and early access to many podcasts: https://darkhorse.locals.com/

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Check out the DHP store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://www.darkhorsestore.org/

Theme Music: Thank you to Martin ...

Unsettling Science – Rebutting the Experts

In September of 2023, Bret issued a challenge to Vaccine proponents to explain why he was wrong about the danger from the Covid mRNA transfusions within this podcast: https://youtu.be/7C7Q9UF3PRE

Shortly thereafter, Dr. Dan Wilson gathered 3 experts to answer Bret’s challenge in this video: https://youtu.be/OUiM3sQuswE?si=ZFoLpyauXrtaFi7K

This podcast with Joomi Kim and Bret Swanson is the response to Dan’s video.

Bret Swanson put together an excellent slide deck to accompany this podcast, find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5vaooui2r15zayv1kl2ye/2024-3-23-Dan-Wilson-Response-Slide-Deck.pdf?rlkey=3t5uizv3e0gep2q3vydouwtl7&dl=0

Find Bret Swanson on X: @JBSay (https://twitter.com/JBSay)
Find Bret Swanson on Substack: http://infonomena.substack.com/

Find Joomi Kim on X: @JoomiKim1 (https://twitter.com/JoomiKim1)
Find Joomi Kim on Substack: https://joomi.substack.com/

PaleoValley: Wide array of amazing products, including SuperFood Golden Milk and beef sticks. Go to https://paleovalley.com/darkhorse for 15% off your first order.


The rescue mission begins...

Join in the X Space happening now: https://x.com/i/spaces/1nAKEpnqjQRxL

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Who will be at Rescue the Republic? 🇺🇸

September 15, 2024

Reversing Covid-Vax Effects?

I came here from the Joe Rogan podcast. Not sure if it is allowed to just ask questions on here but if not, just take this down. I experienced the adverse immune reactions from the vaccine which Dr. Weinstein described, after I was forced to receive the vax.

I’m wondering if there is any way to mitigate or reverse the damage after a single dose of the vaccine has been received? How do we re-regulate the immune system once the spike protein sensitization has occurred?

Is it best to focus on DNA repair/immune system support? Could we potentially one day reverse-engineer gene modifications that undo the ones which were done by the vaccine?

Or is the answer much simpler, is there a way to put the body into an environment where we get the genes to “turn off” whatever immune reaction has been conditioned?

I cannot find any information about this anywhere on google or duckduckgo. There is no information anywhere on what to do if you DID get the vaccine....

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